Hey there! My name is Samah, also known as Holistic Figure. I am a holistic health coach with an exercise science and nutrition degree.
As a health coach I believe we should seek what suits us best as an individual to implement natural healing, be it alleviating symptoms, aches and pains, reaching goals, low-toe living to simply optimising mental and physical wellbeing. We can do this through nutrition, exercise, positive mindset and of course dōTERRA’s beautiful certified pure therapeutic grade essential oils.
How to commence your oil journey at the lowest price! Simply click here and follow the steps below:
1. Click the Join & Save tab
2. Select Country and click continue
3. Select Local (OTG) Order
4. Select Wholesale Customer
5. Add kit you would like to purchase and click continue. Optional If you would like additional items type keywords in search bar and add to cart.
{If you wish to customise your order you add the $35 wholesale membership and click continue and add more items}
6. Fill in details
7. Verify Enroller ID & Sponsor ID 7528529 Samah Medlej
8. Click Continue
9. Click View Total (make sure all is correct)
10. Add Card details
And enjoy your life changing oils!
Call out for help if you get stuck on any steps!
Reach out once you have received your package for more resources and support.
You will receive:
• My mentorship along your oily journey to use your oils effectively, efficiently and safely.
• Exclusive access to educational online classes
• Online resources including videos, ebooks and free access to droplii app!
• Opportunity to be apart of my Earthy Compound Community.
• And lots of monthly Giveaways!